What is participation?
Participation goes beyond simply being able to go to the service, or building. Participation means being actively involved and included. Enjoyment can lead to greater participation. Participation means:
- Being helped to understand the activity
- Being welcome
- Having choices about how you are involved
Activities range from informal community activities to more formal children’s services. Adjustments may be needed to make sure all children are included and participating.
It is important for children to be involved in a wide range of activities. Children learn and develop through being with other children and adults. Doing activities with other people helps children learn about the world around them.
Playing and learning with other children teaches children important skills that help future learning. More opportunities to participate supports more child development.
This set of tip sheets includes:
Belonging – the importance of making sure children feel like they belong
Taking part in family life – having fun, communicating, and being part of everyday family tasks
Playing and learning with other children of all abilities, is very helpful for children’s development
Taking part in community activities – helps children understand their world and have confidence with people
Playgroups – provide opportunities for children and families to get together locally. Playgroups are good for children. Playgroups also benefit parents and carers through making connections.
Child Care – supports parents to do other things and provides developmental opportunities for children
Preschool – more formal education programs developed primarily for four-year-old children
School – How to choose a school and know your rights
For more information, please go to the relevant tip sheet.